Walking Together – Unfolding God’s Plan
In his address, at the beginning of the Synodal process, Pope Francis said: “ I came here to encourage you to take the synodal process seriously and to tell you that the Holy Spirit needs you. And this is true: the Holy Spirit needs us. Listen to Him by listening to one another. Don’t leave anyone outside or behind.”
The statements below, from our Diocesan Synodal Journey, are our Diocesan Mission and Vision Statements. The word diocese has been replaced by the word parish, as we make the Diocesan vision our own.
Mission Statement
To support and mobilise all in the parish to become true missionary disciples.
Vision Statement
We are called to be a Catholic parish which is:
Archbishop Bernard in his pastoral letter for the 4th Sunday of Lent reflects on these statements
In order to make this a living reality within the parishes and deaneries of the Archdiocese I have asked our clergy to reflect, among themselves and with you, on the present pattern of parish life and the people and resources that sustain it.
Over the next few months, please do what you can to respond to the invitation to reflect as priests and people together. Try to see co-responsibly what needs to change for the good of the Church’s mission within your parish or across the wider deanery. Try to ensure that young people and families are a particular area of focus for your parish’s mission.
As we journey through Lent and with the approach of Holy Week we are called to repentance. We aim to see ourselves as the Lord sees – not looking at appearances but at the heart. We aim to look more deeply at the life and mission of the Church so that in every place we can be more faithful to the mission entrusted to us by Our Lord. We ask the Lord to heal us, as he healed the man who had been blind from birth, so that we may see the risen Christ and come to share in his new life this Easter.
With my thanks for your faithfulness this Lent and asking the prayers of Our Lady, Mother of the Church and St Joseph, Protector of the Church.
Yours devotedly in Christ,
+ Bernard Longley
Archbishop of Birmingham
For the full letter please click here.
For more information about the Synod, including a synthesis of all the Parish, Groups and individual contributions, including from our own Parishis available on the website of the Archdiocese here.
In his address, at the beginning of the Synodal process, Pope Francis said: “ I came here to encourage you to take the synodal process seriously and to tell you that the Holy Spirit needs you. And this is true: the Holy Spirit needs us. Listen to Him by listening to one another. Don’t leave anyone outside or behind.”
The statements below, from our Diocesan Synodal Journey, are our Diocesan Mission and Vision Statements. The word diocese has been replaced by the word parish, as we make the Diocesan vision our own.
Mission Statement
To support and mobilise all in the parish to become true missionary disciples.
Vision Statement
We are called to be a Catholic parish which is:
- faithful to the mission entrusted to us by Jesus Christ
- full of missionary disciples who work together co-responsibly
- in vibrant communities of faith,
- joyful in their service of God and neighbour.
Archbishop Bernard in his pastoral letter for the 4th Sunday of Lent reflects on these statements
In order to make this a living reality within the parishes and deaneries of the Archdiocese I have asked our clergy to reflect, among themselves and with you, on the present pattern of parish life and the people and resources that sustain it.
Over the next few months, please do what you can to respond to the invitation to reflect as priests and people together. Try to see co-responsibly what needs to change for the good of the Church’s mission within your parish or across the wider deanery. Try to ensure that young people and families are a particular area of focus for your parish’s mission.
As we journey through Lent and with the approach of Holy Week we are called to repentance. We aim to see ourselves as the Lord sees – not looking at appearances but at the heart. We aim to look more deeply at the life and mission of the Church so that in every place we can be more faithful to the mission entrusted to us by Our Lord. We ask the Lord to heal us, as he healed the man who had been blind from birth, so that we may see the risen Christ and come to share in his new life this Easter.
With my thanks for your faithfulness this Lent and asking the prayers of Our Lady, Mother of the Church and St Joseph, Protector of the Church.
Yours devotedly in Christ,
+ Bernard Longley
Archbishop of Birmingham
For the full letter please click here.
For more information about the Synod, including a synthesis of all the Parish, Groups and individual contributions, including from our own Parishis available on the website of the Archdiocese here.