Childrens LiturgyThe Sunday 10:30 Mass includes a Children's liturgy group each week during school term. What is Children’s Liturgy all about? In Baptism you became members of a very special team why not come along and listen to the message, which Jesus came to share with us. Each week you can learn about Jesus’s work on Earth and his friends, the apostles, who helped to spread his word throughout the world. Children of school age (and younger with a carer) are welcome to join, they leave from Mass at the start and re-join everyone in church after The Creed and take part in the Offertory procession and then go to our families to share the rest of the mass. Afterwards tea and coffee and biscuits are served in the church hall and you can meet up with your friends again. We even have a box of toys and activities for children. Latest information about events and our children's liturgy newsletter can be found on our Facebook page |