Financial support for The Catholic Parish of Kenilworth
We rely on the generosity of parishioners and visitors to maintain our Parish and support all its work. Below you will find information about how to donate online. Thank you for your support.
Standing Order:The most effective way you can support the Parish is by setting up a standing order. You choose the amount you want to donate and how regularly. You can make changes at any time. Most people also boost their donation by becoming a Gift Aider.
If you already donate via standing order and haven’t adjusted the amount you give for some time, you may wish to consider making a change. To start a standing order print a standing order form complete and return it to the Parish. |
Gift Aid:If you’re a UK taxpayer, you can decide to Gift Aid your donation. This means you’ll boost your donations as the government will add 25p to every pound that you give the Parish, at no additional cost to you!
The Parish applies for Gift Aid on behalf of Gift Aiders for all First Collections and those Second Collections that are exclusively for the benefit of the Parish or Diocese. To become a Gift Aider simply complete a Gift Aid form, return it to the Parish. |
Online DonationsTo donate online Click on this link
Simply follow the instructions on the screen - first you’ll be asked what your donation is for: the First Collection, Second Collection, or Piety Shop. Then you’ll be asked to select how much you’d like to donate. Next, it’ll ask for your payment card details, then thank you for your donation. If your donation was for the First Collection, you’ll be asked whether you want to Gift Aid your donation. If yes and you’re a new Gift Aider or an existing Gift Aider, you’ll be asked your name, house name or number, postcode, email address and then to read and confirm a Gift Aid Declaration. You’ll only be asked to do this once for each card you use – In future the system will track donations made by your payment card. You’ll then receive a confirmation email from Dona. |
Contactless Donations
Situated in the Narthex of St. Francis we have a payment card reader that’s similar to those used in shops. There’s no need to type in your PIN or hand over your payment card. Simply select what you want to donate to: the First Collection, Second Collection, or Piety Shop and choose the amount you want to donate. Then touch the card reader with your payment card, listen for the beep, and your donation is complete. If prompted or you prefer, you can insert your card into the device and enter your PIN to make a donation.
You can also Gift Aid donations made using this machine, but before you can do so, you first need to register your card online. You do this by simply following the process for Online Donations outlined above. Then all your donations made to the First Collection using the payment card reader will be Gift Aided, as the system will recognise your payment card.
A payment card reader won’t initially be available in St. Augustine’s, but may follow.
You can also Gift Aid donations made using this machine, but before you can do so, you first need to register your card online. You do this by simply following the process for Online Donations outlined above. Then all your donations made to the First Collection using the payment card reader will be Gift Aided, as the system will recognise your payment card.
A payment card reader won’t initially be available in St. Augustine’s, but may follow.
Collection at Mass
You can of course continue to donate cash using the weekly collection at mass. We know that many families make additional contributions this way in order to teach their children and grandchildren the importance of supporting the Parish.
Can we help?
Not everyone has a printer at home, and some people don’t like filling out forms, using computers, or would just like a little help. Members of the Parish Finance Committee attend each of the main masses and we’d love to help – just let us know. If you don’t know us Fr Kevin will point us out to you.