These livesimply principles come from Catholic Social Teaching, our faith calls us to care for creation and demonstrate our respect for the world round us. Becoming a livesimply award parish will help us go deeper and demonstrate our actions.
The award celebrates what we have already done and inspires us to do more.
The award celebrates what we have already done and inspires us to do more.
Live simplyLiving in a way that reduces the impact from the things we use. Using less is the best way to use only our fair share.
Live sustainablyLiving in a way that can be sustained by the planet. Favouring sustainable materials, energy and attitudes.
Live in solidarityRemembering that we share our common home with others and need to share the resources of our common home fairly.
To achieve the award we will be working towards three actions from each of the three themes. The actions we are working on include:
Live simply:
Live sustainably:
Living in solidarity:
Live simply:
- To encourage our young people to explore the message of LiveSimply through youth activities. Our parish participation in the LIveSimply initiative came directly from the suggestions of our young people.
- To develop a 'LiveSimply' library of books that our community can share to deepen their understanding of faith and sustainability
- To explore ways we can each live simply and share these as pledges on our LiveSimply pledge tree.
Live sustainably:
- Develop the use of renewable energy through installation of solar panels to our parish centre
- To encourage energy efficiency and support those in energy poverty through our 'warm hub' meetings
- To review how we use our parish facilities and see how we can reduce the impact of our activities and support other community groups using our spaces.
Living in solidarity:
- To support, through the work of SVP those in need through collections for our local Foodbank
- Raise awareness of the difficulties of Christian Communities in the Holy Land Supporting the work of the Friends of the Holy Land water appeal
- To provide, through our 'giving tree' practical support for Newland's care home, the Cyrenians and the Coventry Foodbank.
You can find out more about Livesimply on the CAFOD resource pages
Contact us [email protected] with ideas, offers to help or questions.
We will also be posting livesimply project updates on the parish website / Facebook and newsletters.
Contact us [email protected] with ideas, offers to help or questions.
We will also be posting livesimply project updates on the parish website / Facebook and newsletters.